
The power of one word. Starting anything with one word captures your attention. It forces you to picture what it is and think, "What about (blank)? In what perspective will this word be taken?" Posts tagged "One word" are all about that word - and all the ways it can be taken. Today, the word is: Silence. (n.) The complete absence of sound. Silence is definitely not a commonly thought-about word. My guess it that most people find the idea to be extremely boring. And that's exactly why I'm writing about it. When I think of silence, one of the things that comes to mind is something my brother's scout master used to say - "Silence is acceptance." In this case, the word takes on a relatively negative persona, while usually it is thought to be very neutral. Plain. Boring. I don't think silence has to be boring. Silence echos whatever you fill it with. While the world is silent, your mind speaks. Take a moment to sit (or stand) in...